Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Dad, My Hero

I dedicated the following poem to my biological father, in my memoir, where I describe the bond I had with my dad....before I was placed into foster care. 

As I wrote my memoir, I searched for my dad only to discover he had passed away years before.  But I was content that his transition was without malice, he died of natural cause. 

My Dad, My Hero

when my days seem dark as night, Daddy
and my spirit is low
I think of all the good time we had
and night becomes a rainbow!

I had no doubt that you could abundantly
educate, feed me or quench my thirst

you taught me how to be a lady
you taught me how to drive
you said never act shady
and you taught me how to strive

when my days seem dark as night
and my spirit is low
I think of all the good times we had
and night becomes a rainbow!

when I gave into temptation and did wrong
you taught me how to be strong
when I was choosing the wrong kind of fella
you always said, “Princess! You can do even better!”

and Dad, despite all the pain
you went through in this world because
you are a “Brother,”
you still taught me that true love has no color!

I will die loving you

when my days seem dark as night
and my spirit is low
I think of all the good times we had
and night becomes a rainbow!

I think of all the good times we had Daddy
and night becomes a rainbow!

                     - p. 9

Validation Denied Grace Bestowed is available at, (812)330-2909 or (800) 288-4677

Friday, June 14, 2013

We're At Juneteenth in Harlem, USA!

Inviting YOU to an exciting book signing & chat with
Validation Denied Grace Bestowed: somewhere between the ghetto and God
was something called foster care….

l Wednesday, June 19, 2013 l
2:00pm – 7:00pm

      A Day of Rich Culture, Family Fun, Education and Entertainment!
2031 5th Avenue @125th Street, New York City, USA

Enjoy & Experience....
  Freedom Testimonies
Freedom Poetry
The Real Great Debaters
A Living Health Platform with Dr. Sara Jenkins & Prof. Jean Stamp
Ms. B’s Cultural Enrichment Corner
Historic art by renowned artists and….
Memorabilia Will Be On Display and Available For Sale!

 lTexas-Style Menu Prepared by Kenneth Collins, Chef Extraordinaire! l

$30 General / $20 Students / Special Rate for Families!
  Proceeds Will Benefit Wiley College Student Education Fund
Home of The Great Debaters

For Information and Reservations:
Contact Velma Banks,
(212) 724-5482



Sunday, March 31, 2013

Foster Care:Change The Name,Change The Game

                                          SAVE THE DATE
            Wednesday, April 17, 2013, New York City, USA
        "Change the Name, Change The Game" of foster care

"Foster Care:Change the Name, Change The Game" promises to be a book signing experience like no other; it will be a unique, engaging, motivating yet down-to-earth event where Quelyn will also debut an idea to replace the age-old, soul-cringing  "foster care" "foster parent" and "foster child" terms. 

We are excited that "Foster Care:Change the Name, Change The Game" will be hosted by New York's own social work veteran extraordinaire, Ms.Velma Banks, MSW.  Click the following link for information on Ms.Banks's signature Living Platform Series! .

                  Remember ~ Wednesday, April 17, 2013, NYC
                     Time, Location, & Cost TBA very soon!

By the way, if you want to buy Quelyn's book NOW and live here in NYC we've got limited copies...and can arrange to get the book to an early-bird discount!   Just tweet us at
@qptweetin and we will communicate immediately.  

Thank you for reading.  Check back for updates.

- The Butterfly Tour Now Team(TM)

                Validation Denied Grace Bestowed is available everywhere and at:
                                         (812)330-2909 or (800) 288-4677